What is Your Inspiration?

photo of girl at top of mountain

As we move forward into Spring and eventually Summer, I am always looking for next thing that inspires me. When we moved here 15 years ago, it was New England living and my first emersion into pesto. That summer was really hot, and basil was everywhere. Add in my time at NECI and fresh pasta – and we eventually had all the past I could manage and then some.

I don’t know if you have been watching but Delicate Decadence is on the move. We are taking up residence in the historic Blanchard Block – I am wondering what might inspire us there. The final equipment is slated to be moved on May 18th, the day Vermont opens back up for business. Exciting times! There has to be inspiration coming at us from all different directions.

Spring, a historic building, getting out in public again, and the Spring vegetables that will just be hitting Vermont are just a few things that are inspiring me. On the other front burner are the all the great customers and friends that have sustained us though this period. Thank you all for being part of our inspiration – and Stop in and see us next week.